lunes, 28 de junio de 2010


El Colegio Público Tenerías ha recibido un premio del British Council por un proyecto de innovación sobre el medio ambiente realizado con los alumnos/as bilingües del centro.


Y feliz verano.
Os dejo la carta donde se ve que estamos en el top ten de todos los centros bilingües de España.

Earth Day Climate Change Competition

Congratulations to all pupils and teachers who participated in the Earth Day, Climate Change Competition.

The following ten schools submitted their innovative projects demonstrating high quality work around caring for the environment and each will be receiving a selection of books on caring for the environment to use in their classes. We also hope to post a sample of the work on the website to showcase the work done by pupils and teachers and in some cases involving the wider community.

CEIP Añorbe, Añorbe
CEIP Ciudad de Jaén, Madrid
IES Emilio Alarcos, Gijón
CEIP Federico García Lorca, Ceuta
CEIP Julio Pinto Gómez, Tres Cantos, Madrid
CEIP Las Anejas, Teruel
IES Pedro La Luna, Zaragoza
CEIP Quevedo, Leon
CEIP Riomanzanas, Zamora
CEIP Tenerías, Zaragoza

The top three contributions were from

CEIP Federico García Lorca, Ceuta
CEIP Julio Pinto Gómez, Tres Cantos, Madrid
CEIP Quevedo, Leon

Teacher and pupil representatives from each of these three schools will be attending an award ceremony in the British Embassy on Thursday 17th June where the overall winner will be announced. The overall winning school will receive 6 flights to the UK, sponsored by British Airways and a short 2-3 day stay there with costs being met by the Ministry of Education and the British Council.

We will be announcing the winner on the website on Friday 18th June.